
Unfashionably Fixed

If you follow us on Instagram, you’ll know I’ve been riding a fixed wheel a lot this winter.  It might seem a bit mad in the hills around here, but mostly they’re not that steep and it’s a good work-out when I don’t have time to be out all day. I’ve been riding a fixed […]

Bucket Lists and why you shouldn’t have one (but other people should).

Bucket lists are everywhere these days and a lot of what social media is about is people showing that they’re ticking things off their list.  I noticed when I started to get active on Instagram that a lot of cyclists were posting images from the same places.  I’m thinking Mont Ventoux, Sa Calobra, The Stelvio, Alpe […]

Bespoke Cycling Holidays? What it really means

There are quite a few operators who can offer you a bespoke cycling holiday.  I can’t speak for anyone else, but I can tell you what we mean. At the most basic level, of course I’ll ask you about your riding to make sure that the routes you do suit both in terms of distance and […]

Does the history of St Antonin Noble Val matter for cyclists?

Most people come to St Antonin Noble Val because it has one of the largest, best preserved medieval centres in France.  That’s a pretty good reason to come; it is amazing and people love to lose themselves in the maze of narrow streets and gawp at the architecture.  We’re different though because we came for […]

Using a cycling GPS for navigation

I’ve been using a cycling GPS for navigating on my bike for around 15 years now.  For me they were a game changer – one of the most significant technologies I’ve used on my bike.  I’ve always loved exploring, from the moment I was old enough to ride without my parents keeping an eye on […]

Coffee, Beer, Cycling and Rules

I’m a food snob.  For me, eating is one of life’s great pleasures, so it’s really important that what I eat and drink tastes fantastic.  When it comes to coffee I was well into my 20s before I started getting into it.  I didn’t like coffee much and and rarely drank it.  At the time […]