
Now the web site’s been up for a while, I thought it was time to experiment with writing a blog.   Well, more accurately my web guy said google will love me for it…  Still I like writing and there’s always something to say about what we’re up to here in St Antonin.

St Antonin Noble Velo is very much my baby, and this is my chance to tell you a bit about what it’s like riding a bike around here, what we’re about, and I hope, tempt you into paying us a visit.

It’s spring now in St Antonin, which always arrives suddenly and dramatically.  Winter doesn’t last long here, but it’s still wonderful to see the greenery coming back and there’s been a riot of cherry blossom over the last week or so.  It’s been in the low 20s most afternoons for a few days, so my pasty white legs have been bared for the first time this season; they should look like cyclists legs again by April.  March is a great time to ride in the south of France, especially if you live in the UK where spring is usually wet and cold.  The roads are always quiet in these parts, but right now it feels like the car was never invented!  And I can’t get enough of the spring flowers – they’re everywhere.

Natalie and I went for a walk yesterday afternoon, but we didn’t get very far because of all the photo opportunities.  It was a bit hazy for distance shots, but Natalie took some beautiful pics of all the blossom.  She only took up photography when we realised we needed images for our web sites, but it turns out she’s quite a natural.  I can’t take pictures like she can.

This facebook group has loads more pictures of St Antonin

Saint Antonin in springtime

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