
Self guided cycling holidays. Why do people love them?

When we started St Antonin Noble Velo we were expecting to do a mixture of guided and self guided cycling, but it turns out that most of our customers opt for self guided, and it’s actually quite rare that I take people out riding.  For us, that’s fine, we’re just happy to have customers, but […]

A Vegan Cycling Holiday? Is that really a thing?

This year we’ve decided to try something very niche, a vegan cycling holiday.  As far as we can tell we’re the only people in France, maybe in Europe offering this.  I’ll be posting details soon, but I thought I’d write a blog post about it first. I’ve been a vegetarian for longer than I’m going to […]

Spring in St Antonin and a new blog

Now the web site’s been up for a while, I thought it was time to experiment with writing a blog.   Well, more accurately my web guy said google will love me for it…  Still I like writing and there’s always something to say about what we’re up to here in St Antonin. St Antonin […]